how to make an amulet for luck with your own hands

Today we’ll tell you powerful amulets that can help you bring luck to life, how to speak alone, and how to do it yourself. The world of personal amulets is large and varied. Each country has its own magical items that are endowed with special forces that people have used for centuries to protect against evil people and the Dark Forces, to harm them, to bring happy situations, luck and money into their lives.

The amulet already has power because many people believe in this power and endow the object with tremendous psychic energy. But the amulet will be a truly magical item, and it will be your personal assistant when you make contact with him. This can be done in a variety of ways - through meditation or magical rituals, once you have acquired an effective amulet for a lot of luck and fortune.

How do you talk to yourself about an amulet for business luck?

To create a magic ritual on your own to connect with a personal talisman, you will need:

  • item chosen as a talisman;
  • wax candle.

You have to do it on the rising moon. The object must first be cleaned of foreign energy. To do this, keep it under running water for a while. Light a candle and read the words of the conspiracy while holding your hand the strongest amulet that will attract luck:

"Protect me from evil and help me in my life, get me happiness, a lot of success, victory in business. "

Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn to the end. During all this time, let your magic talisman lie nearby. At the end of the ritual, always take your personal success story with you.

How to speak an amulet at home for good luck and good luck - live abundantly

The most popular magic for attracting money and wealth is coins. Money itself symbolizes prosperity; in various magical traditions, magical ceremonies are performed with them to fill the money channel and activate the energy of prosperity.

how to talk about a talisman for luck and prosperity

If you find a coin that someone has dropped, take it with you, it will draw some money into your pocket. If you perform a witch ritual with him to attract the money and keep it in his wallet, periodically strengthening it by conspiracy, the most common coin will be a powerful magical amulet for work and good luck with all financial transactions. You can carry lucky coins in your wallet, pocket, purse, the point is to always have it with you.

As a huge amulet of luck and money, you can buy gold coins from the bank. In black magic, there are many rites to collect money with gold and silver coins. Now we offer you a home conspiracy for a wallet with coins. The simplest coins are used here, not gold, not old, not found, but the ones that got in your wallet.

A money conspiracy will be read into your wallet on the first day of the new moon. They shake their wallets and read the conspiracy text for welfare three times, calling money into the house. If you do this every new moon, as a result, your wallet will be a very strong amulet that will attract money and good luck to your house:

“A rich merchant comes to me, he brings me a valuable box as a gift, that merchant is all dignified and very rich, anyone is happy to see such a guest. The merchant’s wallet rings with gold, silver money rings sweetly, let my wallet also ring with gold, sweet silver money ringing, for this watch, forever, anytime. Lips and teeth, key and lock. These words that no one can open. Amen ".

Strong amulets for happiness and good luck in all matters

It’s not just images of religions that are becoming the strongest amulets for good luck, health, and attracting the energy of prosperity and money. There are amulets in the world of stones, plants, animals. Monetary witchcraft applies to the whole world, not to parts of it. True magic rises above the whole world, obscuring it like a dome. Here are some examples of the most common money spells you can use in your life.

what to make an amulet fortunately with your own hands
  • Bamboo- The green shoots of this viable plant are usually given to loved ones in different countries as a personal amulet for business success. Bamboo symbolizes success in all endeavors. According to feng shui, this green amulet should be placed in the eastern part of the house to activate the chi energy.
  • The huge horseshoe talismanis ​​not just a Slavic amulet for good luck, but also a talisman against disasters and troubles. In many countries and at different times, they believed and believe in the wonderful power of the iron horseshoe. There is strength in iron. Iron is the result of the sacred struggle of the Elements - Fire and Metal. For business luck, a magical horseshoe amulet is of course available for purchase. But the strongest amulet is believed to be the horseshoe found, which was dropped by a horse. How to hang a horseshoe mascot in your home? The horseshoe above the front door, which ends down, blocks the entrance to the house from all misfortune, protecting it from evil eyes and curses. And the horseshoe attracts wealth with horns up, making the house a full cup.
  • Good Scarab Talisman- This amulet is from ancient Egypt. In ancient Egyptian civilization, the scarab beetle was considered sacred and was one of the most recognized mystical symbols. Therefore, images of this insect were not perceived on an everyday, but on a higher, divine level. Scarab personifies change, transformation, rebirth in another world. And it also symbolized the vital energy without which no one can exist. And of course it brings good luck. And not only in matters of material wealth, but also in what we call spiritual growth today. Today, it’s easy to order a real amulet for luck and success, to buy and wear, without fear of energy vampires, dark witchcraft and ruins.
  • Strong talisman for good luck Rabbit foot- only one animal's hind legs can be used as an amulet. The magical amulet rabbit leg contributes to luck in business and material well-being. In addition, if you dream of becoming a parent with many children, the energy of the rabbit will help you fulfill your dream.
  • Talisman Cat's Eye- This semi-precious stone protects its owner from evil eyes and magical damage, helps him overcome the difficulties of life, get out of difficult situations with the least loss. The cat’s eyes fall into the category of strong amulets and amulets to be good luck in everything; practically a universal magic item. That’s why not only business people, but also gamblers love it so much to win money.
  • Good luck elephant talisman- Images of powerful, calm, noble animals bring success in any area of ​​activity. The amulet in the form of an elephant figure symbolizes longevity and wisdom, helping to gain wealth and achieve true financial prosperity. A pair of elephants with raised trunks represents hospitality and well-being in the fireplace.
  • how to customize your talisman of good luck
  • Home Amulet Key- Any key can become a magical amulet for good luck or a talisman to attract happy situations, depending on the ceremony performed. This could be an old key, or a key accidentally found on the road, or a key you used once. You can even make a strong amulet from a gift "gold" key if you spend good luck and good luck. Such keys are believed to help free people’s hearts, open the way to enrichment, attract success to life, and strengthen health.

At full moon, the key can be used for money with the following magic words:

“The key is not simple, it is the key to the royal treasury. The key is mine, the lock obeys me, I wish I would come and take the gold. I need to open the bins, close the bins, don’t let naked and toothless poverty on the doorstep. So it will be. Amen".

The money amulet key can be put in your wallet and you can always take it with you. Or you can go to the place where you keep money.

And here’s another accessible ritual of white magic on how to make an amulet at home for luck and money.

Take the old lock and its key. Open and close several times, then read the words of conspiracy that bring money into your life:

“Here is the castle, the treasury. My property lies there, the key is guarded by a lock. The castle is mine, I have the key, I manage the treasury, I own the money. So be it. "

Keep the lock where you keep your money. And take the key with you.

How to make a strong amulet with your own hands to attract luck?

If you know a little about magic rituals for your own use, it won’t be hard to make an amulet with your own hands for good luck. Witchcraft rituals include a number of simple, reliable conspiracies and rituals for home use. For example, you can weave a magic cord - an amulet for business success. Woven from colored fibers, it should be worn on the ankle of the left foot.

what to make a talisman fortunately with his own hands

Helps you become more successful and successful, making it easier to fulfill your desires. Choose from the threads that match your intent and the task set for your amulet. You can choose multiple colors or one.

  1. Green thread represents wealth.
  2. The red thread represents love.
  3. Yellow - health, blue thread - achieving goals.

When you make an amulet for the happiness of life, woven from colored threads, imagine successfully completing the tasks you face.

The black magic of the nauz - conspiracies for an amulet for good luck and happiness

Sometime, a long time ago, the magic of nausea was created - a bunch that a magician connects with a clearly defined intent. Scientific magic is incredibly simple and consists of a number of techniques that allow you to use strings to effectively achieve what you want. Scientific magic is based on the fact that any person can fall into a trance. Magic knots are both real witches and the foundation of an effective technique that will bring success and wealth into your life. With the independent ceremonies of nodular magic, it’s not hard to make an amulet for yourself for good luck in life and luck in business.

A node is a symbol of your magical action. Subtle influence on the physical plane. But it is also an anchor, a sign of your intention. Exactly the intent that the magician can touch. In the practice of folk witchcraft, the simplest materials are used to knit:

  • leather straps,
  • animal veins,
  • plant stems,
  • ropes,
  • tapes,
  • braid,
  • rags,
  • laces, in short, anything that can be knitted.

Anyone who has made an amulet for luck in business, regardless of the rituals of scientific magic, gives positive opinions about magically talismans that are surprisingly simple and just as amazingly effective.

Make yourself a strong amulet and amulet for good luck with the nauz technique.

Take a narrow strip of cowhide and knot 3 on it.

  1. At the first node, say the words of a magical conspiracy to express luck: "So luck is with me in my actions and thoughts. "
  2. On the second node, read the words of the conspiracy of happiness in business: "So that this has always been the case and true to my word. "
  3. And on the third nauzu, say the text of the spell of life's fortune: “Yes, neither good nor obvious luck can decide me. So be it. "

All 3 knots are tied with a double knot called the Curse of the Witch. This skin patch is then hidden in the house or taken with you as a talisman. You can sew the nausea into your clothes and wear them as a protective amulet.